Sunday, July 19, 2015

No child left thinking!!!

As I was searching to find out more about EQAO for my POP, I found this website. It seems there are lots of teachers who believe test does not cover all the aspects of learning. As it mentioned in the video, "we have a child in age 6, who has already learned they can't do school, so let's take them out of the one or two things that they actually can do sports, cartooning, whatever it might be, theater, and make sure they are only engage in the activity that they are already known they are failure at! and let's see how the scores improve!" This is scary for me in terms of being the child, the parent, or the educator.  
In addition, the economical influence of being chosen as a high rank school on the selling price of the house in the region is one of the worst outcome of the test result. According to yang in her article "But education experts warn against placing too much emphasis on EQAO scores when determining which schools — and neighborhoods — are 'best.' ".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sou, such a great blog!

    I think the video you posted could be representative of how many people feel. I don't think it matters which side of the EQAO fence you are on, either teacher or parent, both sides have concerns about not only how they are written but also how they are graded and administered.
